

Angel Couture is a fashion house founded by Francesco Pannico in 2015.

It distinguishes itself for the unique inclination towards art, for the strong attention to cultural avant-gardes and for its multidisciplinary approach that meets music, cinema, photography and design.

These interests represent unlimited sources of enlightenment for the brand creation and they are at the bottom of important collaborations established with art expositions, cultural and sports centers.

Brand purpose is to preserve consistency among: the ethics on which our dedication is founded, the iconographic research that inspires our projects and the social and cultural message that we want to impart through our collections.

The same ethical values that underlie our creative process, are at the bottom of our items manufacturing process , that are created, entirely in Italy, from Campania’s artisans.

Everyone returns and only you have the freedom to forgive.

At the moment this phrase is our signature and our thinking.
We would like to know yours.

See u soon

Dott. Francesco Pannico